Well, when we don’t have much time, the iron cow tiger will give these weapons to the old man and go directly to the airport. Mom blew you to death today. More than 10,000 mafia people took N vans and sailed to the airport. As early as Zhao Yuze came back, Cheng Han had already stopped the airport, saying it was a military way, and Lin Yuan also promised to stop for five minutes. After all, it’s strange that the airport watched people with heavy weapons board the plane one by one without disturbing the central authorities.

Well, when we don’t have much time, the iron cow tiger will give these weapons to the old man and go directly to the airport. Mom blew you to death today. More than 10,000 mafia people took N vans and sailed to the airport. As early as Zhao Yuze came back, Cheng Han had already stopped the airport, saying it was a military way, and Lin Yuan also promised to stop for five minutes. After all, it’s strange that the airport watched people with heavy weapons board the plane one by one without disturbing the central authorities.

However, no one at the airport root or the person who made the plane was directly driven away, and Zhao Yuze led all the people into the plane at the airport and looked at the foreman. Zhao Yuze wanted to laugh. This world is that money makes the mare go.
Come on, buddy, you’ve worked hard. Take these to tea. Zhao Yuze gave him 20 thousand yuan in cash and left without waiting for him to refuse. After all, we are gangsters. However, being in the Vatican in Italy is not good at this time. These days, they hide and hide, and wolves die every day on average. How can we live like this?
Knowing that Zhao Yuze and them came, Scorpion already knew that the Mafia would pay the price.
41 bloody battle in Italy
Soon after boarding the plane, more than 10,000 brothers fell asleep. After all, the horse will be in a fierce battle. How can it be done without keeping good spirits? However, the iron cow doesn’t know where to go at this time, while the tiger is wiping him with a towel and Tian Feng is sitting next to Zhao Yuze. Don’t be very comfortable. Zhao Yuze’s breath will make people suffocate, just like Tian Feng now.
Tian Feng, I didn’t guess wrong. You participated in this operation. It’s not surprising that Tian Fenggen squeezed into the top ten The Hunger, because Zhao Yuze had already guessed that his thoughts should never be played with such a boss.
However, I didn’t admit that I lost because I believed in my own strength. Zhao Yuze looked at him, a young man with strong respect.
Well, I’ll give you a chance. In this operation, I’ll draw more than 10,000 brothers. Each team has a leader, and each team has 1,000 people. However, among these leaders, I’ll arrange a position for you to take charge of the top ten The Hunger. I’ll consider taking charge of it for you. If I kill you, the enemy will kill you. Tian Feng is a little heavy. Zhao Yuze is very satisfied with him, but among the top ten The Hunger, he must make outstanding contributions to the group. He told Tian Feng that Zhao Yuze has gone to the toilet, and the world will
At this time, there was a sound on the radio. Dear ladies and gentlemen, the plane is about to land safely. Not much to say, the Vatican has arrived. The brothers are all armed with guns, their eyes are full of enthusiasm, and the tiger, iron cow and iron cow are indifferent. Because this trip to Italy is to save their good friend, Scorpion, died before he arrived. I am afraid that Brother Ze will use the strength of the Heaven and Earth Society to fight the mafia hard to win this battle.
But the wish of the iron cow and the tiger didn’t seem to reach God’s ears. At this moment, a younger brother of the wolf group ran to the scorpion.
Brother Scorpion, the mafia is here and there are a lot of weapons.
The physical preparation department is looking for shelter. Besides, how much ammunition do we have
Base is enough. Zhou Han has taken his brothers to hide.
I’m ready to face Zegoma. Let the brothers keep their eyes open. Don’t hang on here. The younger brother of Wolf Group knows that he has retired. In fact, Zhao Yuze doesn’t know when he will come to Scorpion. I just want to inspire the brothers’ desire for survival.
However, as soon as the wolf team members found the bunker, the Mafia people came in. When they entered the door, they couldn’t help saying that two machine guns swept up directly, but how could the wolf team members let them sweep up? The wolf team members immediately threw their coats at the sky, and the Mafia staff realized that they were clothes. When they found out that it was clothes, the wolf team members had already fired their guns.
Several machine guns rang and quickly rushed to the front. Mafia personnel soon became a hornet’s nest, but the Mafia seemed to have killed one horse, just two and three. It took a long time for the Wolf team members to play, but fortunately, a large number of Mafia personnel have been kept out of the door, because the door can be three people at a time, which is a turning point for the Wolf team members.
Brothers, let go of Lei Zhouhan and make the wolf team members act.
Howling howls, several grenades hit the Mafia’s feet. The powerful force of the Wolf Group shocked the Mafia’s force configuration, which can be said to be the mafia’s victory. However, the powerful arrangement of the Wolf Group members made the Mafia people at their wits’ end. Soon, the second round of grenades were thrown over the street, and the Mafia was the largest gang in Italy and could still influence the national politics. How could the police come at this time? But a good tiger could not hold the Wolf, and many Mafia people flocked in with the help of many people. The Wolf Group members arranged immediately. It lost its effect, but the scorpion led everyone to retreat all the time, but it didn’t help. One player, two and three, was still laughing. Now he is a dead body. On the right side of the scorpion, a wolf group younger brother, Ao, was tied with grenades and two machine guns directly swept to the mafia. Of course, he had already been beaten into a hornet’s nest and watched this move. In the first row, the wolf group members all strung grenades together and rushed to the mafia.
horo horo
The Mafia attack was successfully defeated, but the price was that more than 20 members of the Wolf Group stopped the attack and fled because of this move. At the rear, a man with golden yellow hair and blue glasses shouted, "FUCK, you guys! Go to the top, or Mr. Edward will take our name. No one will listen to his orders. On the contrary, he has exposed his identity and position to the Wolf Group members. The Wolf Group members greedily watched this man take the lead, grabbed a sniper rifle and pointed it at the man.
One shot, one shot, the man’s head exploded directly like a watermelon. Scorpion threw away the sniper rifle and shouted for revenge for my brothers. The sound of machine guns rang again. The fire snakes swallowed their lives, but the nightmare was not over yet. party member, the black hand, immediately became a hornet’s nest mafia. The suspect was to give the wolf team a breathing space. Scorpion knew that he was coming. Zhao Yuze came.
4 bloody battle in Italy 3
Bang bang bang.
Several hot weapons sounded. Zhao Yuze’s three machine guns sounded better than piano sounds. However, the wolf group has been in a defensive state. When the scorpion leader presented a counterattack, people commanded the mafia. At this time, it was also a mess. Facing heaven and earth, it would be dead if you didn’t resist.
Five minutes later, the Mafia people all died in the factory, but the casualties of heaven and earth were on the contrary. The wolf group was miserable, and there were fewer people. At this time, there were more than 300 people left in the wolf group, which was a heavy loss. Zhao Yuze, the iron cow tiger, searched for the scorpion figure and soon saw the scorpion lying there and the scorpion also saw Zhao Yuze.
Scorpion, you’re so fucking worried about me. Zhao Yuze’s vertical scorpion chest was cold and sweaty, and the tiger and iron cows were so anxious that they immediately stripped me of my clothes. Why didn’t you fucking go to the hospital? Four bullets barely suppressed a smile and said that during this period, I was constantly destroying the government. The Mafia was looking for me to cough. I couldn’t go to the hospital.
Oh, my God, Brother Zege has to be sent to the hospital. If he hadn’t dodged the key, I think he would have belched. After that, the scorpion fell to the ground. He was really tired these days. What is it that the name of the honorary wolf group can’t fall here?
When Zhou Han came to Zhao Yuze, he saw the scorpion fall to the ground and looked at his chest. Four bullets didn’t say much. The van left directly. Where did he go? It was very obvious that the hospital? More than 10,000 younger brothers soon talked about the wolf team’s great achievements in Italy, but they all came here in the ball. Some gangsters in the road worshipped the wolf team, but what’s more, it was heaven and earth.